Heather attempts to double tap some mosquitoes. It was a blood bath that night as we had to manually exterminate over 50 mozzies. Good fun was had by all in the small town of Naracoorte.
There is really nothing cute or endearing about house centipedes. In fact, I can't even think of one singular redeeming capability these creepy tiny things possess. Learning how to get rid of centipedes was something I did without reservation or hesitation. Here are the basics of what I did to get rid of centipede infestation once and for all.
Now, before I proceed, I know that some individuals out there may really try to sell you on the idea that centipedes are your friends, based on their consumption of other creepy crawlies such as roaches, spiders, and larva. My take on the branch is I would rather have None of the above in my home. In fact, I've come up with the analogy that I wouldn't let a mass murderer live in my home so that he could safe me and my family from burglars. It just doesn't make sense.
How Not To Get Rid of Centipedes:
So with that in mind, let's put our focus back on how to get rid of centipedes. And to understand the most efficient, effective, and common-sense method of doing this, let's fast go over what Not to do.
Extermination, fumigation bombs, and bug sprays are really not a good choice at all. There are a few reasons for this, the most foremost of which is the health risk involved. Poison is poison is poison. It's no good for anyone, including you, your kids, your pets, and anything else who may enter your home.
In addition, it's expensive. It can end up costing you hundreds of dollars. Then, when the centipedes come back, you've gotta shell that money out all over again. This is a cycle that could quite feasibly go on indefinitely.
The lowest line is that killing centipedes is really only a quick fix, and until you can remedy the situation that started your house centipede woes in the first place, there is a very strong likelihood that you haven't seen the last of those wicked tiny monsters by a long shot!
So what Should you do? It's simple, really. Make them fall out of love with your house. In fact, make them really hate it. This and this alone is the only long-lasting way to get these suckers out of your life in quick order, and give them really no conjecture to want to return... Ever!
How to Get Rid of Centipedes - 3 Steps to Get Rid of House Centipedes fast and Permanently:
1. Cut off their entrance points. There are a few centipede "hot spots" that you need to learn how to seal up.
2. Cut off their food supply. This is double great for you, because you'll be getting rid of the other creepy-crawlies, too!
3. Cut off their water supply. Centipedes Love water (we all do) and can't live without it. You need to learn how to dry them out.
This is obviously very basic, yet it is the true jist of how to eliminate these freaky critters from your life for good. Again, stay away from the sprays, bombs, and pest control people. These are short term solutions at best. Cut centipedes off from easy access, food, and water, and just watch how fast you can get rid of centipedes starting tonight!
How to Get Rid of Centipedes - 3 Steps to Get Rid of House Centipedes swiftly and Permanently!