There are more than 2500 species of mosquitoes in the world and about 150 of those live in the United States. Carriers of diseases, they have killed more population in history than all wars combined yet 99% of all mosquito problems are associated with just 10 species.
How Mosquitoes Breed:
Kill Mosquitoes
Key fact: Mosquitoes Must have water in order to reproduce. For prevention purposes, eliminating undisturbed pools of water is paramount. And it can be wee amounts of water - merely a tablespoon in an upside down leaf is sufficient to sustain mosquito reproduction.
Only females feed on the blood of animals and typically must have a blood meal in order to yield eggs. Their life expectancy is about a month in which time they can lay hundreds of eggs. The males feed on plant juices only (not animals) and their life expectancy is only about one week. Typically mosquitoes do not investment far from where they hatch.
Females lay eggs in water and soon larvae hatch and then wriggle nearby in the water feeding on microorganisms. They come to the exterior for air using a snorkel-like breathing apparatus. These larvae become pupae and from the pupae emerge the adults and the entire process from egg to adult lasts no more than a week, often just some days.
Females uncover their prey by sense of smell as they are attracted to the carbon dioxide as animals exhale. They feed on humans; domesticated animals, such as cattle, horses, goats, etc; all types of birds including chickens; all types of wild animals including deer, rabbits; and interestingly, they also feed on snakes, lizards, frogs, and toads. So it isn't just warm blooded animals, it is whatever with blood to supply the protein indispensable for procreation.
Many diseases are carried by mosquitoes and the incidence of vector diseases crossing species is growing at an alarming rate. Eee, or Eastern Equine Encephalitis has a 35% mortality rate if a someone contracts the disease. West Nile Virus (Wnv) is also transmitted by mosquitoes and almost 1 in 150 humans who are bitten by a Wnv infected mosquito will institute severe symptoms which can lead to permanent neurological damage and even death.
How to prevent Mosquitoes Bites:
Eliminate breeding opportunities. Again, the amount of standing water indispensable is minimal and therefore great diligence is required. At the mean abode outdoor grills and their covers, toys, decorative lawn objects, and belongings left exterior supply ample chance to lay eggs. Straight through inspection and elimination of these areas reduces mosquito populations drastically and every homeowner should periodically inspect.
Mosquitoes often prefer to feed starting nearby dusk so that is when numbers can increase. Captivating Straight through a typically undisturbed area often stirs the mosquitoes up so those who work outdoors in landscaping, surveying, construction, etc. Are not only more susceptible as they are outside, but the very nature of the work can put them at higher risk. If possible, avoid these circumstances to minimize risk. If you must be outside, it is prudent to wear long sleeves and pants to cover as much skin exterior are as possible.
There are other prevention products ready that emit smoke, attract and zap mosquitoes plus there are ample options for candles, torches, etc. All of these options have a place however, there are often far more negatives either Straight through cost, level of effectiveness, or potential danger to contend with than benefits provided.
Therefore, the solution falls to mosquito repellents. Numerous repellents are ready ranging from home grown remedies such as eating garlic to the most toxic pesticides including those with Picaridin, Permethrin, and those containing up to 100% Deet. These active ingredients have been indisputably associated to severe condition issues such as Autism, Asthma, Cancer, Diabetes, Birth Defects, Ms, Alzheimer's, studying Disabilities, etc., it is wise to avoid these at all costs. Not only are they proven to cause human ailments, the nature of artificial pesticides is that pests speedily become immune. Therefore, the pesticide toxicity levels growth for more harm to humans yet pests are affected less.
Natural products made with indispensable oils are the safest and best bet to repel. Safe bet formulations including citronella oil, eucalyptus oil, cedar oil, lemongrass oil, lavender oil and sandalwood oil have varying degrees of effectiveness against mosquitoes and for different body chemistry. Some of these oils are strictly a mosquito repellent and some kill mosquitoes so approved investigate is recommended to find the most efficient goods available.
Mosquitoes and How to prevent Them