Did you know that only female mosquitoes bite? While most citizen would rather find a way to obliterate them rather than learn about them, finding out all you can about mosquitoes will help you to stay protected. Sadly, there is no way to rid these pests from the earth, though you can keep them away from your skin with the proper repellent.
While many citizen simply swat, bat, and zap their way to a mosquito free space, these minute annoyances do far more than irritate you while you are trying to sleep. Mosquitoes are killers - this is a fact. Not only do they kill millions of citizen throughout Africa, Asia and Central and South America -- they also kill citizen within the United States. You may know that mosquitoes in other parts of the world carry parasites and viruses, but did you know that these bugs are bound for a neighborhood near you sometime very soon?
Kill Mosquitoes
The fact is that our world is rapidly changing. Urban crowding, global warming, mosquito resistance to many insecticides, and diminishing communal condition will all play a starring role in the return of the malaria carrying mosquito. Return? That's right - malaria was once responsible for numerous deaths within the United States and Europe. Most scientists agree that these mosquitoes will return to North America with a vengeance. If you are feeling skeptical, consider this: West Nile, Chikungunya, and Dengue Fever have all popped up within the United States over the past few years.
So, what's a man to do? Since the mosquito exists straight through biting other creatures and carrying their blood around, it is best to avoid these insects at all costs. However, nobody wants to live indoors during those summer months, so keep yourself adequately covered up instead. Also, it is imperative that you wear a proven mosquito repellent every time you step covering of your door.
Now, most citizen think that they do not need to wear any type of repellent unless they are going camping or heading out into the country, but remember that urban crowding qoute mentioned above? Well, believe it or not, mosquitoes are starting to perceive that there is food in numbers. In short, you are far more likely to be bitten inside of a crowded city park than in the country during peak season. Play on the side of caution when it comes to mosquitoes and wear that repellent every day.
Why Mosquito Bites Can Be More dangerous Than Just an Itch