The bat which makes up about 25% of all mammals is the only true flying mammal. There are 42 species in the Us. Bats are one of our most misunderstood and feared animals but it is probably the most beneficial of the animals to humans.
The Big brown is a fairly large bat in the microchiroptera order. It is about 4 to 5 inches long, weighing in at ½ to 5/8 of an ounce with a wingspan of roughly 13 inches. This bat is found all over from Alaska to South America. These bats roost in eaves, attics,buildings, barns and in any place they can find a place hidden from view. In the winter they hibernate in caves or old mines.
Kill Mosquitoes
The Big Brown is insectivorous and eats stupendous amounts of insects together with some that are heavier than themselves. These bats eat such insects as beetles, wasps, bees, flies, stone flies, may flies, scorpion flies, caddies flies, cockroaches and other flying insects together with mosquitoes as well as June bugs, green stinkbugs and the cucumber beetles. As can be seen, they eat quite a range of insects and this is a boon to the agricultural community as well as the backyard enthusiast.
The Big Brown associates with humans and will roost or hibernate in a range of places together with attics, old buildings, barns, eaves, sewers, drain pipes, caves, mines, loose bark of dead trees and tree cavities and have been shown they will roost in man made bat houses. Most folks do not want bats in their attics and there are some ways to take off them safely without killing them. If you enjoy the fact that they will keep your insect people under control you might want to think about putting up a bat house or two.
The enemies of bats comprise barn owls, horned owls and black snakes as well as insecticides and man. In the olden days there was abundance of areas for bats to roost but as man encroaches on their areas and we close mines and caves and clear old forests their roost's are destroyed and they have a hard time adapting because of the shortage of roosts. Man can help by putting up artificial roosts, which in turn will keep these diplomatic creatures and and help keep the insects under control and not have to use poisons to control the bugs. It is kind of ironic that the vary insecticides that we use kill the very natural pest control that we have already. Our superstition and aversion to bats caused the loss of this natural pest controller.
Big Browns live to be about nineteen years old in the wild. The maternity roosts may comprise some hundred females and their offspring, any way it is relatively unknown as to were the majority of Big Browns indeed hibernate. Many folks are learning how beneficial these creatures are and now are putting up artificial roosts or bat houses. As I learn more about these breathtaking creatures the more I appreciate them.
Eptesicus Fuscus Or More ordinarily Called the Big Brown Bat