Springstar S415 Kitchen Fruit Fly Trap Overview
SpringStar's fruit fly trap is an excellent way to trap fruit flies that invade your home. There are no poisons or pesticides needed to accomplish this, just our unique and innovative trap. The patented lure attracts them into the trap with a combination of food grade scents. Once in the trap, they cannot get out. Safe to use around the house.Springstar S415 Kitchen Fruit Fly Trap Review
Springstar S415 Kitchen Fruit Fly Trap Feature
- SpringStar's spider trap is an effective way to catch house spiders without the use of poisons or pesticides.
- Certified green, pesticide-free product.
- Safe to use around kids, pets and food
- Catches pesky fruit flies, two traps per box
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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Aug 02, 2012 02:51:04