Personal DNA Testing - 01:40 NOVA scienceNOW examines the realm of personal DNA testing. It describes the latest tests, which look for single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). These single-letter differences in DNA sequence make humans unique from one another but may also predispose people to certain diseases. The video also discusses the Personal Genome Project, an extension of the Human Genome Project aimed at determining the root causes of many common diseases. The Personal Genome Project takes into account personal genomics as well as lifestyle information, such as one's living environment, habits, and behaviors. Art Authentication - 14:25 Vincent van Gogh has inspired several talented artists to turn their hands to forgery. Can computers be used to identify which works are really his? To find out, NOVA scienceNOW, working in cooperation with the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, commissioned an expert in art reconstruction to make a meticulous copy of a van Gogh painting. Then, we challenged three different computer teams—from Princeton, Penn State, and Maastricht universities—to see if they could spot the imitation in a group that included five genuine van Goghs. Capturing Carbon - 27:45 How did an eighth-grader's science fair project inspire a new way to tackle rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere? Claire Lackner's father Klaus, a geophysicist at Columbia University, had a brainstorm after he saw how Claire used an aquarium pump to capture carbon dioxide in ...
Keywords: dna, testing, test, single, nucleotide, polymorphism, human, genome, project, genomic, genetics, microbiology, vincent van gogh, art, artist, computer, authentication, drawing, reconstruction, copy, painting, imitation, genuine, global, warming, carbon, dioxide, atmosphere, geophysics, aquarium, pump, air, pollution, evolutionary, malaria, parasite, resistance, computational, biology, pbs, nova, sciencenow, Neil degrasse Tyson