Over the past few years mosquitoes have developed from a nuisance into a real public health danger. These pests spread hazardous diseases such as the West Nile Virus, Eastern Equine Encephalitis as well as malaria and yellow fever. It is more important than ever to safe your family from mosquito bites and learn how to get rid of mosquitoes.
While it may not be possible to fully eliminate the mosquito problem, there are many things you can do to greatly minimize the threat. Some of these things involve changing the surrounding area to be less habitable for the exiguous buggers and some involve temporary measures to keep them away for a short duration of time.
Kill Mosquitoes
One of the easiest and most efficient things you can do is to remove any standing water exterior your house. This includes flower pots, buckets, pails, wheel barrows and bird feeders that may be filled with rain water. This standing water is a breeding ground for mosquitoes and you will never be rid of them until you can eliminate this factor. Empty water out of these packaging on a regular basis, maybe even make a hole in the lowest so that they cannot hold water.
Another step you can take to get rid of mosquitoes is to eliminate as much brush and tall grass as you can. Mosquitoes love to hide in grassy, overgrown areas and if you can keep the lawn cut short and clear out any unwanted brush on your asset it will unquestionably help cut down on the mosquito problem.
There are several types of plants that naturally repel mosquitoes. Some of these are horsemint, marigolds, catnip and rosemary. You can also use lemon eucalyptus oil as a mosquito repellent.
The next step to take against the mosquitoes is chemical warfare. There are several types of lawn treatments that you can spray on your lawn which consist of Deet. These are fairly efficient at retention mosquitoes away from your asset for up to 2 weeks at a time. Other chemical treatments can not only act as a mosquito repellent, but unquestionably kill any larvae that are waiting to be hatched.
Other mosquito repellent products such as citronella candles and any burning/smoking products have such a exiguous radius that they are not that effective. One gismo that does have some effectiveness is the "mosquito magnet" type of device. These machines use propane gas to furnish carbon dioxide which attracts mosquitoes. They are then trapped in a net inside the gismo where they die of dehydration. Some of these devices can attract mosquitoes from up to a whole acre away. One drawback to using these devices is that when they break down you will need to spend supplementary money on mosquito magnet change parts such as Co2 cartridges, trap netting, thermistors and of procedure you have to have a contribute of propane gas too.
Mosquito repellent that you wear on your skin is also somewhat effective. Products that consist of Deet are most effective, while some people swear that Avon's Skin So Soft works just as well with Deet. You should wear long sleeves and pants to minimize the estimate of exposed skin.
It is my hope that this essay has shown you how to get rid of mosquitoes. As you can see, there are several steps you can take to minimize the threat of mosquitoes. It takes a multi-layered approach to accomplish real effectiveness. You can't just accomplish one of these steps. To accomplish real results you need to do as many of them as you can. If you do all of these things you will have a much great opportunity at enjoying your outdoor activities without worrying about mosquitoes.
How to Get Rid of Mosquitoes - What You Can Do to Minimize the Risk of Mosquito Bites