วันพุธที่ 4 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2555

Neem Oil Organic Gardening - efficient Organic Insecticide

Gardeners Use Neem Oil Spray for an effective Organic Insecticide

Anyone who enjoys growing their own vegetables knows the dissatisfaction of looking them ruined by pests. There are many types of insecticides available on the market, but gardeners today tend to be more known about the harmful effects of chemicals on their crops and on the environment. Neem oil organic gardening has been the acknowledge for farmers and backyard organic gardeners for many years.

Kill Mosquitoes

Many gardeners prefer to use organic methods to furnish vegetables that are safer to eat than those treated with chemical pesticides. There are many ways to rid your organery of pests naturally; from items found in your kitchen such as cayenne pepper and Tabasco sauce to organic sprays purchased from your local hardware store.

One of the most effective natural products is neem oil. It comes from pressing the seeds and fruits of Neem which is an evergreen tree that is native to India. The oil is diluted with water and the explication sprayed directly on the vegetable plants or poured onto the soil so it can be absorbed through the plant's root system.

The use of neem oil insecticide protects plants from insects that chew or suck on their leaves. Some of the most bothersome organery pests like mealy bugs, locusts, Japanese beetles, and aphids can be repelled by using neem oil. It is also beneficial to kill rust, powdery mildew, black spot, and other fungal diseases.

Gardeners have asked if neem oil organic gardening will harm animals, birds, earthworms, or beneficial insects. The acknowledge is no. Butterflies, ladybugs, and honeybees are not affected adversely because they are not chewing insects. This spray can be used to kill household pests and is a excellent insect repellent often used on humans and animals. This means no more sticky mosquito repellent sprayed on arms and legs. Keep in mind, studies has shown that repellent made from neem oil is safe enough to use on children. For a flea shampoo that is pleasant smelling and effective, look for one that contains neem. This will rid your pet of fleas and leave them with a beautiful coat without the use of harsh chemicals.

In increasing to its use in organic gardening, neem is a beneficial ingredient in hair and skin care products. Women in India have known this for thousands of years. Neem contains high levels of antioxidants which help sacrifice the signs of aging and safe the skin from damage caused by the sun and environmental toxins.

We see that neem has many uses as an organic pesticide, insect repellent, pet shampoo, and skin care product. This is all in retention with the ayurvic way of life, which plainly means to live purely. Over the years this has been a hard episode to learn, but as we growth our efforts to save the environment and ourselves we understand that living purely is the only way to achieve this.

Neem Oil Organic Gardening - efficient Organic Insecticide

