There are a few things in this world that are totally useless, in my opinion. Take mosquitoes, for example. What are they good for? Nothing! Liver spots are not good for anyone whether except, like a mosquito, to plainly annoy us and make our lives miserable. Right?
Liver spots - or age spots, as they are often called - are not painful. They precisely aren't fatal. They don't add anything, and they don't subtract anyone from they're useless. Annoying...but nevertheless, useless!
Get Rid Mosquitoes
Age spots can begin to appear after a man reaches 40. Yes! Just 40....that's before trainee loans have been paid off. You have kids that are Grade School, for heaven's sake! How can you perhaps have a liver spot and, more importantly, what can you do about it?
A liver spot appears as a small darkened spot on the skin. It is small at first, and then it grows into what appears to be a giant-sized freckle. Liver spots or age spots ordinarily appear on the back of the hands, the arms, the face, or any other area of the body that has been exposed to sunlight. They are inoffensive and painless, but they are not cosmetically attractive, and they do tend to "announce" our age to the world.
See your dermatologist! Age spots can be removed with lasers or by other methods such as frozen them with liquid nitrogen. frozen a liver spot with liquid nitrogen is the quickest way to get rid of it.
Other things that you can do at home and for yourself are: Take a vitamin E capsule each day, and at night break a capsule and rub the vitamin E on the liver spot. Also, growth your vitamin C supplement, and start a zinc supplement if you don't already take zinc.
Treating and Preventing Liver Spots