GOMTV (Season2) MSL Finals, Saturday 14th July, 2007 Stork[gm] vs Bisu[Shield] @ Loki I wasn't going to upload the finals, but I got many requests to specifically upload the fifth game of the MSL finals in a one part video (I guess so people can send one easy link to friends), so here it is :-) Stork plays white @ 2 Bisu plays yellow @ 7 There's also the awards ceremony at the end. But I highly recommend Klaz's commentary of the finals, the video quality is quite good as well, he used the same source as this one I'm using now, which unfortunately wasn't as good as the usual HQ sources are (too dark I think).. but its ok I guess. Anyway I see no reason re-uploading all 5 games since Klaz used the good source, and all his uploads are 2 parts which is fine, except this Game5 that took 4 parts, so this upload is wise either way :-) Here are Klaz's commented games (and it is probablly his last commentary for the time being, so enjoy it) Set1: www.youtube.com Set2: www.youtube.com Set3: www.youtube.com Set4: www.youtube.com Set5: www.youtube.com What a truly deserving 5th game for an amazing finals. SPOILER below (Winner Interview) * ** *** **** ***** ****** ***** **** *** ** * Translated by Nocturne, thanks a lot! :-) To have a sudden change also contains within a notion of changing history. The Protoss have not emerged as a dominant force in the history of the MSL, but Kim Taek Young has cast that notion aside. For the first time in MSL history, the Protoss have had ...
Keywords: Starcraft, Broodwar, Bisu[Shield], Stork[gm], MSL, Finals, GOMTV, GOMTV2