วันจันทร์ที่ 12 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

What Are the tasteless Causes of Red Itchy Bumps on The Skin?

Red itchy bumps on the skin may be a consequent of assorted allergies or skin conditions. Problems may start to arise from allergic reactions to chemicals or fragrances, insect bites, and skin diseases such as dermatitis or psoriasis. To find out the kind of treatment method you need, you have to identify the real cause of those stubborn bumps and rashes. Here are some guidelines that can help you diagnose your condition.

Allergy, insect bites, and scabies

Get Rid Mosquitoes

Different products such as soaps, perfumes, and cosmetics contain allergens. Some food items may also cause allergic reactions that lead to itchy bumps and red welts. Mosquitoes, hornets, wasps, and sweat bees are also popular for their nasty stings and bites. Although allergic reactions to determined insect bites are usually mild, those who perceive strong reactions may need medical attention. Scabies, a mite with eight legs, may also burrow in your skin and cause intense itching during bedtime.

Acne, drug reactions, and hives

Those small bumps on your skin may also be caused by acne excoriee, also known as picker's acne. When acne is squeezed and scratched, scabs and scars may form and consequent in this condition. Hormonal changes, oily skin, and determined medications are some of its base causes. On the other hand, hives may cause big bumps that appear rapidly. It is usually caused by prolonged exposure to determined allergens. Some antibiotics and antifungal drugs may also cause allergic reactions and lead to itchy bumps and rashes.

Psoriasis and eczema

Psoriasis may also cause small, flattened bumps that cause intense itching. Sometimes, it may also appear as large plaques of raised, dry, and thickened skins. Big flakes of dry skin and pink plaques with overlying silvery scale are also first-rate symptoms of this skin condition. On the other hand, eczema refers to a lasting health that leads to red and extremely itchy patches of skin. Although children are more prone to this condition, eczema can still charge at any age.

Diagnosing your health

The first step to getting rid of those itchy bumps on your skin is to find out what caused them in the first place. Their location provides a great clue to their cause. Itchy bumps on the scalp may be caused by head lice, a determined type of eczema, or psoriasis. Insect bites are usually found in areas that are not covered by hair or clothing. While acne bumps usually appear on the neck, face, and back, determined types of eczema and psoriasis usually affects the hands, feet, and scalp.

Getting rid of itchy bumps on the skin is not easily as hard as it needs. As long as you know what caused them, you can easily find an productive treatment method that suits your needs. If you are finding it hard to diagnose your condition, it will also be best to consult a dermatologist or a licensed healthcare provider.

What Are the tasteless Causes of Red Itchy Bumps on The Skin?

